What is OSINT? - Part 1

In this don't give a beep episode of the Exploring Information Security Podcast, I find out what OSINT is from OSINT master Tazz.

My first interaction with Tazz (@GRC_Ninja), was at CircleCityCon. I quickly became aware that if I got out of line at the conference Tazz was very likely to be the one to put me in my place. I also ran into her at DerbyCon where she kept people in line while waiting for talks to start. She also happens to be a speaker and this past year presented, "ZOMG Its OSINT Heaven" at BSides Las Vegas. Which is how I became aware that Tazz knew her stuff when it came to OSINT. She also writes about OSINT on her blog osint.fail. All of these interactions prompted me to have her on for a discussion on what is OSINT.

In part 1 we discuss:

  • What is OSINT
  • The methodology for OSINT